Saturday, August 20, 2011

Federal Government Work Ethic- An Oxymoron

I’m sure that each of us has thought about or has had discussions during our careers about the lack of “work ethic” exhibited by the generations that follow us.

What struck me is that if our country’s 536 leaders, the President and the members of Congress, can take vacations while their “business” is in turmoil then those in the business world and the youth soon to be embarking on careers are being sent a very clear message of “manana,” which is also the title of the Spanish song meaning ‘tomorrow’ that stereotypes a lazy, procrastinating person.

The federal government further reinforces the "it's alright if one chooses not to work hard" message by refusing to reform entitlements, not get rid of entitlements, but reform them so that we can afford to pay for them.

I can remember whenever the company I was working for was going thru hard times vacations were cancelled. What the fed gov is doing now is sending a harmful message; and sorry fans, Obama is leading the pack of offenders.


Thursday, August 4, 2011


During the second Clinton term when the rich were getting richer because the stock markets were on fire, Bubba decided to impose a 10% tax on luxury items. He argued, "it's the FAIR THING to do!" I remember this because I lived in Florida and owned a boat. Well, the year prior to the tax 25,000 new boats were sold in the state. Two years after the tax was imposed there were 8,000 new boats sold. The boating industry and related businesses were devastated, companies failed, people had no jobs and the state lost tax revenues. But the luxury tax was the fair thing to do.

This came to mind this morning while I was watching "Morning Joe" on MSNBC (sometimes referred to as the Government Media). During one segment Mika and her 100 IQ held up to the camera the front page of the New York Times, which showed a picture of a woman buying a $1500 pair of shoes on 5th Ave. The NYT and Mika and her 100 IQ were promoting Class Envy, the Times knowingly, Mika and her 100 IQ unwittingly. She pouted, "This is not fair that when people are struggling to make ends meet some are buying $1500 shoes!" Hey, I have a good idea. Let's impose a 10% tax on luxury items. Coincidentally, there was a second article on the front page about Mayor Bloomberg giving $130million of his own money to help some of the City's poor Hispanics and blacks. I thought "isn't that nice of him to be so charitable." Mika and her 100 IQ looked the gift horse in the mouth and said "this further illustrates the gap between the rich and the poor." What??

Class Envy results in nothing of benefit. It turns people against people and brings down businesses that create jobs and is an attack on capitalism. Yet class envy is a strategy used by politicians who have no conscience to mobilize a voting bloc comprised of non-thinking tools. "Let's bring down the rich guy!" And, for those who are religious, isn't envy a sin?

There is no doubt that capitalism is one of the elements that makes America exceptional; that woman buying a $1500 pair of shoes is a good thing. On the other hand, politicians attacking capitalism is the equivalent of removing bricks from the foundation of a house. Removing enough well placed bricks will result in bringing the house down.

Oh, one more thing. As Mika and her 100 IQ held up the NYT in front of the camera, ironically her 4 caret diamond ring was prominently displayed, so much so that the cameraman adjusted the shot so the ostentatious ring was no longer visible.
