Thursday, August 7, 2014


Speaking of "out in left field," Wednesday's Obama press conference was sad. He looked sad, dispirited. His demeanor reminds me of when I once had a job I disliked and wasn't very good at resulting in my not wanting to get up in the morning to go to work. O seems to have zero motivation to even try to be our leader.
 I've been saying since his inauguration that he doesn't have to totally fix problems, he just has to improve them. He has failed to do so. I read the WSJ/NBC poll numbers that came out this am. To see approval #s in the teens for handling of several foreign, domestic, and economic issues was shocking. In the teens! That is indefensible.
Included in the poll was a question about providing tax incentives to encourage businesses to bring jobs back to the US. 85% of those polled said yes. So what does Obama threaten to do? He is planning to threaten companies with penalties if they do business over seas. "It's not fair." What? Left field isn't far enough out there to describe his understanding of business and job creation. Pathetic. Business is not philanthropy or charity or fair.
Go on line and read the poll. It's hard to believe things could get this bad but O has managed to take us there. Terrible judgment on his part and on those of the voters who reelected him. Big mistake. 


Sunday, June 1, 2014

ON SECOND THOUGHT…Roberto Clemente's Wisdom…

I haven't written in a while. Just enjoying life with family and friends. :-) But something struck me the other day so here it is. I was thinking that Obama's campaign slogan "Hope and Change" should have be reversed. Should have been "Change and (then) Hope" as in 'hope the change works', which most often it has not. In retrospect is it possible that had the GOP worked that angle would the slogan have met the same level of success for Obama? 

Many years ago a Hall of Fame baseball player, Roberto Clemente, was overheard shouting out to a rookie, who was performing the Sign of the Cross on himself prior to getting into the batters box. Clemente's words were "hey rookie, we don't pray for hits on the Majors!" The past six years have proven to me that Obama's Hoping is much the same as the rookie's Praying, in the absence of talent both are futile in the big leagues.
