Thursday, August 7, 2014


Speaking of "out in left field," Wednesday's Obama press conference was sad. He looked sad, dispirited. His demeanor reminds me of when I once had a job I disliked and wasn't very good at resulting in my not wanting to get up in the morning to go to work. O seems to have zero motivation to even try to be our leader.
 I've been saying since his inauguration that he doesn't have to totally fix problems, he just has to improve them. He has failed to do so. I read the WSJ/NBC poll numbers that came out this am. To see approval #s in the teens for handling of several foreign, domestic, and economic issues was shocking. In the teens! That is indefensible.
Included in the poll was a question about providing tax incentives to encourage businesses to bring jobs back to the US. 85% of those polled said yes. So what does Obama threaten to do? He is planning to threaten companies with penalties if they do business over seas. "It's not fair." What? Left field isn't far enough out there to describe his understanding of business and job creation. Pathetic. Business is not philanthropy or charity or fair.
Go on line and read the poll. It's hard to believe things could get this bad but O has managed to take us there. Terrible judgment on his part and on those of the voters who reelected him. Big mistake. 


Sunday, June 1, 2014

ON SECOND THOUGHT…Roberto Clemente's Wisdom…

I haven't written in a while. Just enjoying life with family and friends. :-) But something struck me the other day so here it is. I was thinking that Obama's campaign slogan "Hope and Change" should have be reversed. Should have been "Change and (then) Hope" as in 'hope the change works', which most often it has not. In retrospect is it possible that had the GOP worked that angle would the slogan have met the same level of success for Obama? 

Many years ago a Hall of Fame baseball player, Roberto Clemente, was overheard shouting out to a rookie, who was performing the Sign of the Cross on himself prior to getting into the batters box. Clemente's words were "hey rookie, we don't pray for hits on the Majors!" The past six years have proven to me that Obama's Hoping is much the same as the rookie's Praying, in the absence of talent both are futile in the big leagues.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

NYT David Brooks- The Stem and the Flower

    A good friend, JimmyC, suggested that I read David Brooks' column "The Stem and the Flower," so I did. I’m in general agreement with Brooks' narrative that government moves slowly and that we should not expect much in the way of results from the process, but I do not agree with his conclusion that we should take politics less seriously.

   What I think Brooks could have included in his column was that although government moves as slowly as the tectonic plates, our current day politicians can have a significant impact on the culture rather quickly. It’s the “fish stinks from the head” theory. Having worked in corporate culture during my career it was quite apparent that the attitude of the leaders filters through the culture very quickly, sometimes because their reputation preceded them and some because they were simply charismatic. When a miserable bastard was the boss the peeps sulked; when the boss was one who made it clear that he wanted his people to thrive, they did. I wanted Brooks to say that to the politicians who read him. He didn’t.
   With respect to my disdain for politicians, while I might disagree with their policy and their ability to get things done in my lifetime, their failures that are inexcusable are generally in the areas of improving the cultural mindset. Politicians should at the very least be transparent, be honest, be inclusive, and give the people hope that things will get better, that all politicians are not scum, that some are dedicated public servants. Obama’s “hope and change” has turned out to be a travesty if not an emotional fraud, which has most hurt those who truly needed to believe that with Obama’s election something better would happen for them, that they would thrive under his “leadership.” Almost six years later they are worse off financially, and even worse, emotionally. The culture is depressed. Brooks didn’t/wouldn’t go there.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013


How better to describe the current state of Obamacare.

And isn't it ironic that Obamacare, originally used by the GOP as a term of ridicule to describe what it accurately anticipated to be a failure and a detriment to affordable health care, was proudly adopted by the egomaniacal Obama. You see, Obama smirkingly thought that he would hang the GOP on its own petard because the name tag 'Obamacare' would insure that his indelible mark would forever be attached to his signature policy achievement. Well, in retrospect Obama probably wishes he'd have insisted on the original title 'Affordable Care Act'. 

One of the reasons for this blog is to express my interest and experiences in human behavior. Religion, history, and politics are always target rich environments. But Obama has taken conscious human behavior, completely lacking in empathy, "where no man has gone before".



Thursday, October 3, 2013


O is now a laughing stock to the late night funnymen and SNL who tell the truth with their humor, yet the libs deny the truth and continue to mindlessly follow O as if he were the pied piper.

The GOP’s idea to delay the personal mandate in the Affordable Care Act for a year is simple common sense because there are 1200 companies, organizations, and unions that have quietly, under the cover of the press, been granted waivers personally by Obama. So, why shouldn’t Obama give us, the people, a waiver as well?

The answer, Obama can’t give us a waiver from the mandate because it’s a tacit admission to the ignorant masses that swoon at the very sight of Obama that the ACA was poorly conceived, written, and forced into law prematurely by O and the Democrat Congress.

We can only imagine what the late night comics would do to him then. Sadly, their humor would fall under the category of "it would be really funny if it weren't so true."


Thursday, September 12, 2013


How ironic is it that finally, after 5 1/2 years of denying it, in his Tuesday night speech to the nation when President Obama actually said America is "exceptional" that Putin, Obama's new best buddy excoriated O for saying so? 

Putin, a trained KGB killer said...I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation... (spoken like a true socialist, but probably what Obama actually thinks)
...We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal... (this from Putin is unmitigated temerity, because if nothing else Putin is a godless politician...)

It appears as if Putin 'schooled' Obama, but in actuality that would  only be the case if you believe in socialism. 



Unhappy one year Anniversary of the Administrations successful cover-up of Benghazi. 
