Thursday, October 3, 2013


O is now a laughing stock to the late night funnymen and SNL who tell the truth with their humor, yet the libs deny the truth and continue to mindlessly follow O as if he were the pied piper.

The GOP’s idea to delay the personal mandate in the Affordable Care Act for a year is simple common sense because there are 1200 companies, organizations, and unions that have quietly, under the cover of the press, been granted waivers personally by Obama. So, why shouldn’t Obama give us, the people, a waiver as well?

The answer, Obama can’t give us a waiver from the mandate because it’s a tacit admission to the ignorant masses that swoon at the very sight of Obama that the ACA was poorly conceived, written, and forced into law prematurely by O and the Democrat Congress.

We can only imagine what the late night comics would do to him then. Sadly, their humor would fall under the category of "it would be really funny if it weren't so true."


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