Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Can You Say "Blue Dog?"

Incredibly, my local newspaper, The Miami Herald, neglected to mention the term "blue dog Democrat' in a recent lead front page article that "covered" the contentious healthcare reform debate in the Congress.
It is laughable that the lengthy piece inaccurately concluded that the Congress was divided and could not pass a healthcare reform bill primarily because of the policy differences between Democrats and the Republican "party of no." Not true. The "writer" continued that the Republicans "...have yet to offer an alternative plan." Once again, not true. The fact is that the House Republican minority is clearly irrelevant and its ideas have been and continue to be ignored by the House majority and its Speaker.
The question is, since the Democrats hold an overwhelming voting majority in the House, how/why could the writer blame the Republicans for the non-passage of a bill? One would have to live under a rock to not know that a healthcare reform bill could easily pass if the House Democrats were not irreconcilably divided on the issue of a "public option." I repeat, it is the House Democrats, specifically the "progressives" versus the "blue dogs" who are irreconcilably divided and are blocking passage of a bill. The Republicans are not part of the conversation and should not have been demonized by a "journalist" with a political agenda.
I should be used to this kind of rogue journalism; it has been the standard in every newspaper I have ever had the occasion to read. Nevertheless, I would still implore journalists to please step out of their ethical void and stop publishing "news " articles as if consumers are clueless.


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