Thursday, December 17, 2009

Proof That Aliens From Outer Space Are Here!!

Actually, I don't have proof of a certified alien is here on Earth from outer space but I did receive the following email from a friend of mine. In her mind, the following is a list of President Obama's accomplishments:
  • took us from the brink of a depression
  • solidified the auto industry for the United States
  • passed healthcare for poor children
  • closed Guantanamo
  • Bringing us closer to health care than 7 other presidential attempts
  • Has an end date for Iraq
  • Surge in Afghanistan with an actual plan for an end date
  • Equal pay for equal work for women
  • opened up stem cell strands
  • Tried and tried and tried and tried to his own huge determent for bi-partisanship
  • Takes the high road, to his own determent, against obstructionists.
  • Real work on the environment, when Bush's group didn't even open emails about real problems.
  • Hi tech and infrastructure needs being addressed.
  • Green Car batteries to be mfgrd in US (Michigan)
  • Grants to states for shovel ready jobs.
  • Stopped the hemorrhaging of jobs especially for teachers, police and health workers.
  • Unemployment losses are slowing way down.
..these are only things that come top of mind to me, Im sure there are many more.

The thinking (?) expressed in the email made me wonder 'from what planet did she come?'


Tuesday, December 15, 2009


“So, how am I doing?”Ex-NYC Mayor Ed Koch used to ask his constituents that question every day. President Obama might consider doing the same and then listening and acting on the feedback. The political cartoon from the "op ed" section of the June 10,2009 Miami Herald sends a surprisingly critical message.
Following the cartoon is a specific but far from complete list that I have compiled of President Obama's campaign promises that since his election have gone "up in smoke."

J AivlES L KNiGHT (19091991)





  1. No additional taxes on incomes below $250,000 (since lowered to $200,000 and when health care passes the ceiling will go even lower)
  2. I will not sign a bill if it contains earmarks.” This Sunday Congress passed a 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill that contained 5,000 earmarks worth $3.9 billion.
  3. “Iran cannot be allowed to build a nuclear weapon.” (Iran didn’t receive the memo)
  4. “my administration will be transparent.” Should that include secret Democrat only White House meetings on health care, etc?
  5. Stimulus bill will keep unemployment under 8%. (it’s 10%)
  6. Balance federal budget and reduce deficit. (this year’s deficit up to 1.8 trillion, debt has risen to over $10 trillion)
  7. "Debate spending bills on C-SPAN so public can see who(in Congress) is for them." (apparently secret meetings are not televised)
  8. "There will be a 5 day grace period so everyone can read bills online prior to Congress voting." (hasn’t happened and even Congressmen aren’t reading the bills, including the$787 billion stimulus bill)
  9. Bi-partisan bills. (does this include Health Care?)
  10. “I will not go backward to prosecute the previous eight years.” (Atty Gen Holder is investigating CIA)
  11. “I will bring the troops home from Iraq by March, 2009.” (the troops are still there)
Again, this is just a partial list of his campaign promises to the American voters. President Obama's campaign strategy was to convince the electorate that he would fix Bush's failures. The strategy won the presidency for Obama.
That being the case, one would think that the White House would be hearing from the President’s supporters, especially those who voted for him, to let him know that they are disappointed that the President has not delivered on what he promised.
But instead of objective evaluation, what I see and hear is President Obama’s supporters allowing him to place the blame for his broken promises
ad nauseam on the "previous eight years." Obama's "Army" gives him a pass and says“gosh...he’s only been in office less than a year. Give him time.” Of course these comments are not those of the unemployed, or those who will have to pay unexpected tax increases in the coming year(s), or those who have loved- ones in peril in the military in Iraq.

The actions of this presidency are difficult to watch, especially with the smoke getting in my eyes.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Three Months

Three Months for the President to make a decision whether or not to add 40,000 troops in Afghanistan was about eighty-nine days too long.

You see, President Obama had the "war thing" all figured out during his campaigning for his current job. He was convinced and convinced voters that Iraq was the wrong war...a "war of choice." On the other hand (he said), Afghanistan was "a war of necessity, and one we had to win." And then Senator Obama assured the American people that he would not make the same mistakes with his war policy as the previous administration did for eight years.

If one considers that President Obama had eight years of history in the region to look back on and learn from, combined with his own hand-picked military hierarchy, his Harvard law degree, and 150 days in the Senate, his war policy should have been in place and strategically perfect and ready for implementation the day Gen. McChrystal, the US commander in Afghanistan, asked for the additional troops. Instead, because Obama was not prepared, US soldiers in Afghanistan, NATO, the American people and the world community had to wait Three Months.

Great leaders have contingency plans. A lot of people thought Obama was a great leader and voted for him. It turns out that not only is he not a great leader, he's not even an average leader. At the very least an average leader would have given some advance consideration to, above all other, a war where American soldiers are in peril daily. One would think the President would have had emergency contingency plans for a war for which he had taken ownership. But he didn't.

The President needed Three Months to come to the decision to send in the troops; but I suppose it was to be expected when one considers Obama had only met with McChrystal once since he assumed leadership of forces in Afghanistan on June 2nd, 2009 three months prior to the General's August 30th request to Defense Secretary Gates for troops. This is a crystal clear case of remarkably poor management of a war by the President. And, there are no excuses for anyone connected with the Obama administration to have enabled the President to be so ill prepared.

Three Months.
