Thursday, December 17, 2009

Proof That Aliens From Outer Space Are Here!!

Actually, I don't have proof of a certified alien is here on Earth from outer space but I did receive the following email from a friend of mine. In her mind, the following is a list of President Obama's accomplishments:
  • took us from the brink of a depression
  • solidified the auto industry for the United States
  • passed healthcare for poor children
  • closed Guantanamo
  • Bringing us closer to health care than 7 other presidential attempts
  • Has an end date for Iraq
  • Surge in Afghanistan with an actual plan for an end date
  • Equal pay for equal work for women
  • opened up stem cell strands
  • Tried and tried and tried and tried to his own huge determent for bi-partisanship
  • Takes the high road, to his own determent, against obstructionists.
  • Real work on the environment, when Bush's group didn't even open emails about real problems.
  • Hi tech and infrastructure needs being addressed.
  • Green Car batteries to be mfgrd in US (Michigan)
  • Grants to states for shovel ready jobs.
  • Stopped the hemorrhaging of jobs especially for teachers, police and health workers.
  • Unemployment losses are slowing way down.
..these are only things that come top of mind to me, Im sure there are many more.

The thinking (?) expressed in the email made me wonder 'from what planet did she come?'


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