Sunday, August 29, 2010

Movie Critics Are From What Planet?

Mao's Last Dancer was the movie I went to see on Saturday, August 28th. I heard from friends that it was a good film but then I read the discouraging two-star review in the Weekend section from the Miami Herald, which caused me to re-think my decision whether or not to see it.
In the end, even with the not so encouraging critical review, a friend and I went to see the film just to get out of the South Florida summer heat and to eat popcorn. Good decision. The air conditioning and popcorn were good, but the movie was one of the best I've seen in years.
For a remarkable movie like Mao's Last Dancer to receive a mediocre review makes me wonder from what planet do movie critics come, and who are the aliens that voted for the Hurt Locker for last year's Best Picture at the Academy Awards?
A suggestion, if one likes the subject matter of a film, or the actors, or the director or one simply wants to get out of inclement weather and eat popcorn, do yourself a favor, disregard the critics' reviews and go to see the movie. :-)


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

re-elect Carlos A. Rodriguez, Broward County Judge group 6

Carlos Rodriguez was my attorney for six years and fought Unum Provident Insurance Company and its bevy of lawyers who attempted to deny my rightful claim. Unum tried every dirty trick in the book but Carlos, quite simply, ate their lunch. He exhibited a fertile, creative, and extremely aggressive mind. Unum finally gave in knowing they were no match for Carlos who was a virtual bulldog. I believe Carlos enjoys being challenged and no matter how accomplished he might be he still wants to take his performance to a higher level. This is the kind of man who belongs on the bench.
It’s not a perfect world and neither is Carlos or any of us. But I can tell you this, if all lawyers were measured by Carlos’ standards the legal profession would be held in considerably higher esteem. This is a special man and anyone attempting to vilify him on a personal level is doing so because Carlos cannot be challenged on his judicial record or his work ethic. He deserves re-election.


Monday, August 9, 2010

E.J. Dionne...Reality???

Did you happen to read E.J.Dionne’s column this am. He said that if GM wasn’t given TARP of 25bil from Bush and 60bil from Obama over 1 million jobs would have been lost. This Dem shill was giving O credit for turning around the US car industry. Not so fast E.J. You managed to leave one pesky little fact out of your column.

Reality? Even after GM was given the $
it still went bankrupt! and had to reorganize operations and rewrite union contracts. Had the TARP $ not gone to GM, it would have gone into bankruptcy sooner, reorganized sooner, rewritten the union contracts sooner, and saved taxpayers $85billion. The reason for delaying the bankruptcy was probably a concession to the unions, a Democrat voting stronghold. Dummy Bush probably gave the $ to GM because he thought the unions would smile more favorably on the Republicans. Fat chance.

E.J. Dionne is so typical of the press that simply will not be honest with the readers.
