Monday, August 9, 2010

E.J. Dionne...Reality???

Did you happen to read E.J.Dionne’s column this am. He said that if GM wasn’t given TARP of 25bil from Bush and 60bil from Obama over 1 million jobs would have been lost. This Dem shill was giving O credit for turning around the US car industry. Not so fast E.J. You managed to leave one pesky little fact out of your column.

Reality? Even after GM was given the $
it still went bankrupt! and had to reorganize operations and rewrite union contracts. Had the TARP $ not gone to GM, it would have gone into bankruptcy sooner, reorganized sooner, rewritten the union contracts sooner, and saved taxpayers $85billion. The reason for delaying the bankruptcy was probably a concession to the unions, a Democrat voting stronghold. Dummy Bush probably gave the $ to GM because he thought the unions would smile more favorably on the Republicans. Fat chance.

E.J. Dionne is so typical of the press that simply will not be honest with the readers.


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