Friday, April 22, 2011

Krauthammer Washington Post column on "The Donald"

Krauthammer is a very, very smart man. Besides reading his April 23,'11 Washington Post column, I also saw his interview on TV when he waxed Trump. But, I am not interested in evaluating people based on their personalities. Too much of that already; in fact that is pretty much all we get from the media coverage. It would be refreshing if we could receive a truthful debate on issues.

For example, if Obama wants to raise the tax rate on the wealthy to 39.5% from the current 35%, how much more will it mean in revenue? Will it cover the $1.6 trillion deficit? Or is this just another shot at promoting class warfare? Fact is, if the feds took all of the income from the “wealthy” it would not cover the deficit. I am sick of reading in newspapers or seeing on TV this partisan crap. Who was it that said “the truth will set you free?" I believe it was an extremely wise man named Jesus.

Personally, I like larger than life people. Bill Clinton is one of my favorites. The larger than life tend to be mavericks, some of whom I owe my career, like John Kluge, Barry Diller, Ted Turner, Roger King, etc. I believe that mavericks like Trump provide the creativity on this Earth; and because of that I would never discourage them from reaching or dreaming. I believe an idea is good until it doesn’t work.

As for Trump running for president, or having the “qualifications”, seems to me that we have elected “qualified” people who have been shamed out of office as high as the presidency and Congress right down to our city council members. Those “qualified” members of the federal government have decided it is perfectly OK to amass a $14trillion debt and operate annually with $1.6trillion deficits. Could the Donald do any worse? Zippy the Monkey could have made decisions by throwing darts at a list of decision choices and not have done any worse than the bozos currently in office; and that goes for both parties. The politics are embarrassing.

I’d like a Constitutional amendment to state that if the fed government does not prepare a budget and have it signed by the Pres by the first day of the fiscal year for which it was drawn, then all of those in office, including Members of the Congress and Pres forfeit their right to run for re-election.

Trump is just a maverick who is apparently shameless who might embarrass not just himself but those whom he might debate. He has no party, no sacred cows, no boxes. I would pay to see him debate the other GOP candidates and should a miracle happen and Trump wins the nomination, his debate against President Obama would be the highest rated TV program in history.

The current Congressional genteel crap, “the gentleman from...” has put the country in a bind. I want the gloves taken off and bare knuckles knocking the smug, self-satisfied expressions of the faces of those we refer to as our federal “leaders.”

Hopefully from that would emerge a real leader with vision, not just another packaged electable hack.

Happy Easter!

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