Tuesday, May 17, 2011

WE'RE #2 !!!!

I do not agree with any of the President's major policies (heavens, that must mean I'm a racist) but he is a lock for re-election. The GOP has not been able to develop any viable candidates, which is a shame because with no prominent opposing voice the US will continue on this rudderless political course and we will continue to have 536 people running around with campaigning #1 on their priority lists rather than you and me.

Ironically, those who will prosper in this environment are those who President Obama derogatorily labels "The Wealthy"...those earning over $250k. But "class warfare" doesn't affect the "wealthy"'; it just gets Democrat politicians elected and the President is a master at utilizing this political tool. The loser in the "war" is the middle class. We're #2!!!

In today's Miami Herald the headline screamed that 1,400 Broward County (Ft Lauderdale area) teachers are being fired because of budget cutbacks. Most of the teachers were fired last year but were rehired with the stimulus dollars that were used to prop up municipalities' expenses instead of being directed to accomplish what Obama (with a wink) pitched, which was to stimulate long term job growth. The headline did not read "1,400 wealthy earning over $250,000 fired." This stuff will continue unless politicians are challenged.

So the left will ridicule Trump or Gingrich or whoever the next person is to question the administration's policies (and be marginalized as racists) and as the left ridicule, the effect will be to further bury the middle class. But, the President's ineffective policies will continue and he will be re-elected. His supporters will trumpet their satisfaction "we got his ass, Mr. President!" and Obama will snicker thinking to himself "I win again."


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