Saturday, July 2, 2011


Have been reading Gray Lady Down on my Kindle.

We are all aware of the liberal political pablum the New York Times feeds to its hungry readership whose mother's milk is conservative blood. Well, after the highly respected Sr Sulzberger years at the helm of the 'paper of record', G L D details the years of its ever increasing liberal bias leading up to its current and continuing journalistic and editorial demise under Jr.

Just when I thought I'd reached the max in revulsion from reading about the Times' political bias, it got worse as I read about the NYT "reporting" and "editorializing" on the Iraq war, both of which made me want to vomit. Sorry for being so indelicate but the inaccurate accounts of the war were nauseating, from Jr Sulzberger to the editorial pages to Frank Rich to Krugman and Dowd. Mistake after mistake, mischaracterizations after mischaracterizations, misrepresentations after misrepresentations, and finally, NYT APOLOGY AFTER APOLOGY buried on "page 19". The Times might have fooled some of its readers most of the time, or most of its readers some of the time, but the Gray Lady's embarrassing transgressions could never fool or escape reality and are now part of an HISTORICAL record.

Read the book. The political accounts of bias were so numerous that after while my eyes glazed over. But when I got into the Iraq sections, replete with statistics and NYT admissions of error after error in its reporting, the pages turned themselves.

Reading G L D is like pushing the reset button, refreshing. And if a liberal who swears by the NY Times has the opportunity to read G L D the experience might even alter one's mindset regarding ingesting pablum during adulthood.


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