Monday, September 19, 2011


Well, the best that can be said about the President's latest plan to save the United States' economy is that he finally showed up. Laissez faire has been Obama's governmental style as relates to the Congress, and that style has not produced good government. For the past two years it was as if Obama didn't want to work hard; he'd rather politic and campaign. O was on the verge of being Nero...the Congress and country were burning and he was out fiddling around.

But that was the past. All that matters now is that the President is back with a vengeance. He's been loud, almost over the top but his message has been lost in all the noise.Perhaps the noise was by design. It's just as well because since details of the grand plan have been undressed from the rhetoric, once again we realize the emperor is quite naked, a state we have already witnessed and with which we are indifferent if not terribly bored.

The good news is that the President showed up. The bad news is that the President showed up.


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