Tuesday, October 18, 2011

H.L. Menken was Correctamundo!

One hundred and thirty years later, H.L. Menken continues to be prescient with his famous quote "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." Presently we are learning a lot about the current mental stability and acuity of the people of the US. Herman Cain is actually beating O in the latest poll. Strange times.

I continue to believe the media is at the root of the general confusion surrounding politics. Chris Jansing "news" this morning did a report on the Occupy Wall Street protest. In a one minute video MSNBC's "news producers" managed to avoid showing ANY signs or posters carried by the protestors. So Jansing's viewers are unaware of the "Down with Capitalism" and "Down with Zionist Wall Street Bankers" signage carried by the protestors. The "news" video showed no pictures of tent cities nor were any protestors interviewed. The Wall Street protest, which has accounted for several hundred arrests, looked like a church picnic.

I guess "News" is in the political eye of the producer and ultimately the beholder. Yet many MSNBC viewers "will never watch FOX" and many who watch FOX "will not watch MSNBC or CNN." The mindset seems to be "I like what I choose to believe and don't confuse me with facts or another point of view. I'm not interested nor do I want to form my own opinion. I'm comfortable with what I like and I trust Chris Jansing or I trust Hannity" to inform me.

And so Herman Cain is beating Obama, and by the way, this isn't an endorsement for either. And, H.L. Menken is correctamundo!


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