Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Obama called out by Thomas Friedman- pass the smelling salts.

Thomas Friedman Op-Ed NYT 11/23/11. Go Big Mr. Obama.
I read Friedman’s article (link above) twice and came to the same conclusion twice. Prominent liberals, or at least Friedman speaking for them is very frustrated by Obama’s presidency and T.F. finally tells Obama he's not wearing any clothes. Pass the smelling salts! What I also concluded is that 80-90% what Friedman wrote is what I have been writing here for as long as Obama has been on the national scene as a candidate and president.

For me, and for Friedman and Buffett, Obama’s tragic flaw, his judgment, has been politically motivated, i.e., focused on re-election. O has had his opportunities to make a huge difference for the country but as Friedman wrote, O “didn’t want to take the political risk,” even when accepting the recommendations of Simpson/Bowles would have made Obama a hero to the electorate, he balked. Had he accepted the commission’s recommendations he’d have locked up his re-election then and there, and no one would be watching the GOP candidate’s circus.
Recall, I never agreed with any of Obama’s policies from the beginning but that does not mean I wanted his presidency to fail. I thought that once he began to see the negative effects of his policies he would revise them with movement to the middle. He did no such thing; instead he moved even more stubbornly to the left, which increased the chasm between Democrats and GOP. Obama did this of his own volition and no one else can be blamed. This was a judgment call on his part, and it becomes more evident every day that his judgment was, to be kind, unwise. Apparently, Friedman agrees with me.

It's hard to express how heartening it is for me to see a Thomas Friedman and a Warren Buffett finally speak out and state objectively that O has messed up. I hope Obama and his people read Friedman’s article and take it seriously enough to begin to change the course of the nation in which almost 80% think the country is on the wrong track. It’s Obama’s locomotive and he is the conductor and where he steers it is totally up to him. Friedman almost pleadingly lays out what is necessary for Obama to get the US back on the right track and I agree with his appraisal. No one needs a president to fail. In this case if Obama does fail the cause will once again be his own poor judgment.

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