Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Occupy Wall Street and the "news" media..

It appears that FOX is portraying the Occupy Wall Street protestors as an ignorant/stupid, bigoted, unwashed, misguided rabble that is without a clear cut platform, a portrayal similar to that of the MSNBC/CNN portrayal of the TEA Party prior to the 2010 elections.
FOX anchors/personalities say the Democrats are attempting to position the OWS protestors as the liberal answer to the TEA Party. FOX has had Democrat pollsters on air who contend that it would be harmful to Obama’s reelection chances and will also damage the Democrat party to be aligned with the OWS protestors.

MSNBC is taking a page out of the FOX game plan for supporting the TEA Party by showing the best side of the OWS protestors. I have watched a lot of the coverage on MSNBC and CNN and am not clear on how the networks are attempting to portray the OWS protestors aside from aligning them with the President’s message that the top 1% is not paying its fair share but if they were legislated to do so the additional revenue (taxes) would go a long way toward solving the deficit problem.

Interesting poll today showed that the Occupy Wall Street target, the bankers, comprise only 14% of the top 1% of the wealthiest. Corporate execs comprise 35%. 8-9% was in medical field (I think). 39% was in a category called “other.” My logic would say the protestors should Occupy the US Congress. Also, median net worth of a member of the Congress is just under $1million. Your Congress serves itself. Congress is killing us.

By the way, another random poll of 200 of the OWS protestors calculated that 15% were unemployed. Stay tuned. And if you have absolutely nothing to do tonight and want to have fun, watch Matthews or Maddow on MSNBC and then watch Hannity on FOX. You will think you are watching events taking place in two different countries.


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