Friday, December 21, 2012

History Repeating Itself- Almost.

If Nixon’s implication in Watergate was discovered prior to the 1972 election do you think he’d have been reelected? His resignation in disgrace
answers that question.

When Benghazi happened on 9/11 Obama was behind in the polls and trending poorly. Had the media done their job and exposed Obama’s lie or at least focused on the possibility of a lie during the two month period prior to the election, do you think Obama still would have won the election? Not a chance. And if the Media and the Congress were to make an honest, aggressive effort to expose what we already know, Obama, like Nixon, would be forced to resign. Nixon resigned in August 9, 1974, over a year and a half after the election, because Woodward and Bernstein would not give up exposing Nixon's lie. Although the GOP did everything it could to stonewall the liberal media, the media pressure was irresistible and the rest is history.

It's important to make the distinction that Nixon did not resign because of his policies, he resigned because he was caught lying to America to protect his chances of being reelected. Obama’s policies, as wrong headed as they appear to be to many, are not a reason to get rid of him, but his lie to America is unforgivable and is more than enough reason for his resignation. Of course without the liberal media aggressively doing their job and pressuring Congress as they did with Watergate, and in the absence of the media pressuring for questions to be asked and answered regarding what and when Obama knew, the stonewalling in Congress, the Admin, and the State Dept will continue until Obama’s term is over. It’s a national disgrace in the true sense of the word. Hard to believe it can happen in America.

And many still can’t admit he lied. My goodness.


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