Thursday, July 11, 2013


Here we go again...

I haven't written in months. Frankly, Obama's re-election slowed my motivation and, as usual, I have been bored and frustrated with the lack of journalistic integrity in the media that faithfully covers for the Administration's failures. Actually, that is understating how I really feel. The unabridged version is that I think the liberal media totally sucks for refusing to report the news, choosing instead to create the narrative, which is at the least, dishonest. The avoidance of the Benghazi attack on 9/11/12 was a new low from which I am still recovering emotionally.  

So, what was so irresistible to move me after seven months to sit down and write? Thank you New York Times. Today's Times led with Republicans In House Resist Overhaul for Immigration...those bad Republicans. The NYT could have led with 'Democrats in Senate Refuse to Enforce Existing Immigration Law' or ' Democrats in Senate Obstruct Immigration Reform by Passing a Bill WIth No Chance to Pass In the House,' but those headlines would have required objective reporting, which would cause the Times reporters (an oxymoron) and editorial staff to break out in hives...and we wouldn't want that, would we?

Previously (July 2, 2011) I wrote about Gray Lady Down, the book that chronicled the fall of the NYT, the once unquestioned standard for news journalism. It seems that with each passing day and with each new headline the Gray Lady's slip continues to fall yet embarrassingly lower.


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