Saturday, September 7, 2013


Last night (Sept 6th, 2013) Sean Hannity hosted a studio audience of twelve university students (six Democrats/six Republicans) to discuss the World's geopolitical affairs. The iconic NY Yankee manager Casey Stengel would refer to his team as "the youth of America at play." Well, last night Hannity introduced us to "the youth of America at politics", and it was a less than encouraging portent of things to come from their generation. 

The subjects covered ran the cable talk shows current gamut, US politics, immigration reform, federal taxation, Syria, US economy/national debt, Obama fiscal policy, Republican's anti-Obamacare stance, and more, surely a target rich enviornment for free thinkers. It just didn't happen, the thinking part. These twelve young people from top universities were obviously bright (although a few had difficulty expressing a thought) and had a pretty good understanding of the subject matter but the dissapointment for me was that there was nary an original thought from any of them. All of them spouted their respective party's talking points to a "T." Ignorance ran rampant with only one or two brief moments where common sense appeared but then quickly vanished. They were as if programmed robots. If this is the best we can extract from our finest universities expect the US to remain in its current rut of a slow growing economy, high unemployment, thirty year-olds living with their parents, struggling healthcare program, racial tension, immigration issues, deterioration of the country's moral, loss of World status, and continued political chaos. 

From what I watched, if these twelve are a true representation of our universities' product, shame on our universities for letting these young people down. Universities should not exist to program our youth, rather these young people should be taught/encouraged to think freely. I have written on many occasions that thinking is underrated. Those words so apply to Hannity's show last night. 

Hannity's twelve "youth of America at politics" did not deserve a passing grade.  


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