Monday, September 2, 2013


"That's What The World Is Today"

It seems the burning question out there recently is 'does anyone know what Obama is attempting in his foreign policy?' I think the question should be 'Is it a foreign policy or a domestic political policy all about the appealing to the voters on the left?' Because by now it should be obvious to anyone with their eyes open that with all of Obama's actions he first asks himself the question "how will it affect the vote?" Regarding Syria he is now swinging from his own political petard. 

In his handling, actually, I should say mishandling of Syria the Prez has confused the Congress, our allies, you, me, and even the liberal media, which is finding it more and more difficult to cover for Obama's foreign policy blunders. You see, regarding Syria (and the Middle-East) all of the above are expecting a clearly defined foreign policy. But the only thing that is clear to me is that Obama's foreign policy has continually deteriorated since January 4th, 2009, the day of his Cairo speech entitled "New Beginnings", which was obviously politically bent to please the New York Times, the ABC, CBS and NBC TV networks news operations and their politically left leaning kumbaya readers/watchers. You remember the one, that much heralded by the media Cairo speech, Obama's coming out party, the eloquent but dumb speech that said the US was going to sit down and talk with terrorists nations who want to destroy us and our allies...the speech that apologized for Bush's mistakes and arrogance...the one in which Obama threw Israel under the bus. The liberals were cheering. But four years and eight months later the cheers are now silent, replaced by the quiet of faces masked with confused expressions.

At the time of Obama's post Bush era Cairo speech there was no doubt that America's popularity in the Muslim/Arab world was thought to be at a low point. But one should not confuse popularity with respect. You see, even though the US was unpopular it was still respected as the World leader because of our universally feared military power and our enemies believing President Bush, if provoked, would use it. 

Presently, as a result of Obama's "foreign policy" making it clear he will keep moving the "red line" backwards rather than defend it with military intervention, the US is no longer popular with our allies, which have come to expect strong leadership from the US, not Obama's "leading from behind." And in spite of the Cairo speech, the terrorist countries/Muslim extremists still hate us and want to kill us; and, because they no longer fear us militarily, they believe they can kill us or any others they choose, including their own people, with any methods they choose ( poison gas). Obama's "red line" has become a blurred line. Who'd have thought US standing in the World community could have come to this?

Thanks to Obama's feckless "lead from behind" foreign policy, which is no more than a domestic political ruse, the World is a leaderless Ball of Confusion. (Thank you Temptations.)


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