Monday, November 16, 2009

How Can You Tell When A Politician Is Lying?

How can you tell when a lawyer is lying? is the opening line to a quip that denigrates Lawyers. The response is, It's easy, his lips are moving. The same quip applies to politicians.

The words in quotes that follow were in the body of President Obama's 11/16/2009 speech to college students in Shanghai, China.

"Founding Documents...enshrine core principles.... All men are created equal... government should reflect the will of the people and respond to their wishes. Government should be open and information fully accessible."

Am I missing something here? 'Reflect the will of the people.'?..are you kidding me? The latest Gallop poll on Health Care-- 49% against passage while 44% are for passage of a bill. 58% want gradual reform, 38% want comprehensive reform this year. 'Respond to their wishes'? Then, the capper for me was that the House passed a Healthcare bill that wasn't even printed for Representatives to read! Is this 'fully accessible' information? Is this what our President considers being true to the enshrined core principles from our 'founding documents?' The only thing true in the President's comments is that his adherence to the core principles is really laughable.

Doesn't President Obama think anyone outside of Shanghai would be monitoring his speech. His words couldn't have been more disingenuous! I guess he figures the press, our nation's watchdog, or should I say hound dog, won't rat him out and report his deceit, so he can feel secure in saying whatever he pleases in a foreign land.

President Obama's dishonesty was beneath the dignity of his office. Even a lawyer wouldn't stoop so low.


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