Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pull the trigger. If Not Now, When?

We are still waiting... impatiently. Thirteen American soldiers were slaughtered at Fort Hood. They were memorialized yesterday by President Obama's moving tribute.
So now that we have buried our fallen soldiers, the next question on the docket is 'how long will we have to wait before the President makes a definitive statement concerning how the American government will eliminate the mounting threat from Muslim extremism?'
I have read that of the world's Muslim population of 1.5 billion, estimates of up to ten percent or 150 million are extremists who believe in jihad. That is roughly equal to fifty percent of the population of the United States! Pew Research Center in 2009 estimated there are 2.5 million Muslims in the US. If only one percent are extremists that would amount to 25,000 Muslims living in the US with bad intentions towards America. Is this threat to be ignored? We have just witnessed in Fort Hood the horror a lone terrorist can affect.
Mr President, it's time to pull the 'trigger'... before an extremist beats you to it again.


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