Thursday, August 8, 2013

"Out Front" of what?

1- Why did it take 24 hours from the start of the terrorist attack in 
    Benghazi to get US military on the ground and who was 
    responsible for the delay? A commercial airline could get there in
    nine hours.

2- Why did it take the FBI three weeks to get to the site of the
    terrorist attack, the US compound, when it took a CNN reporter
    only three days?

3- Why, after almost a year, were none of the 20 Benghazi
    compound personnel who were victims of the attack questioned? 

4- Why has the mainstream media avoided doing investigative
    reporting to tell the truth about Benghazi to the American people?

5- Why does the mainstream media refuse to call the 
    Administration's delaying tactics (two months prior to the 
    presidential election) related to Benghazi a cover-up?

6- Why hasn't the media focused on the Administration's 
    stonewalling the Congressional investigation?

7- Why does the mainstream media consistently provide cover for 
    Obama and his Administration? Does the media benefit by 
    keeping the public ignorant?

CNN promos led us to believe that, after a year of the mainstream media burying the lead, we were finally going to get the answers to our burning questions.

"Out Front's" Erin Burnett teased many of us into believing that she would do an honest expose of "Benghazi, What Really Happened?" and answer the unanswered (avoided?) questions. 

Unfortunately all Burnett did was continue to tease us and left us frustrated. She answered non of the questions and at the end of the broadcast we still do not know "...What Really Happened?" She concluded in one sentence, in the fifty-ninth minute of the hour long broadcast, that Politics trumped Patriotism. Big whoop. Zippy the Monkey knew that. When was the last time Patriotism came first in the narcissistic political mind?
Burnett's "report" first focussed on the time line of the attack, then the FBI and military non response, the "possibility" of the Administration covering up the truth of what happened prior to, during, and after the murders in the Benghazi compound, and then she drifted off onto the pursuit of those responsible for the attack and the investigation to get justice going nowhere after a year's time. She then did the obligatory brief "who were the four men killed" that night. 
Has it ever dawned on news reporters, certainly not Burnett, that we are upset that our federal government has failed us? That we might be most interested in who in the US Government were those responsible for this failure being allowed to occur? And why has nothing been concluded after almost one year's time? And to bring in Zippy again, even he knew it was a cover-up. Why in a year's time can't the Congress get this done and name names? Americans are suspicious of the 536 people who "run" the Federal Government; all Burnett's "Benghazi, What Really Happened?" accomplished was to raise CNN's paltry ratings. It did nothing to lower our suspicion of our politicians and very little to answer the unanswered questions about Benghazi that frustrate Americans. 


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