Thursday, December 17, 2009

Proof That Aliens From Outer Space Are Here!!

Actually, I don't have proof of a certified alien is here on Earth from outer space but I did receive the following email from a friend of mine. In her mind, the following is a list of President Obama's accomplishments:
  • took us from the brink of a depression
  • solidified the auto industry for the United States
  • passed healthcare for poor children
  • closed Guantanamo
  • Bringing us closer to health care than 7 other presidential attempts
  • Has an end date for Iraq
  • Surge in Afghanistan with an actual plan for an end date
  • Equal pay for equal work for women
  • opened up stem cell strands
  • Tried and tried and tried and tried to his own huge determent for bi-partisanship
  • Takes the high road, to his own determent, against obstructionists.
  • Real work on the environment, when Bush's group didn't even open emails about real problems.
  • Hi tech and infrastructure needs being addressed.
  • Green Car batteries to be mfgrd in US (Michigan)
  • Grants to states for shovel ready jobs.
  • Stopped the hemorrhaging of jobs especially for teachers, police and health workers.
  • Unemployment losses are slowing way down.
..these are only things that come top of mind to me, Im sure there are many more.

The thinking (?) expressed in the email made me wonder 'from what planet did she come?'


Tuesday, December 15, 2009


“So, how am I doing?”Ex-NYC Mayor Ed Koch used to ask his constituents that question every day. President Obama might consider doing the same and then listening and acting on the feedback. The political cartoon from the "op ed" section of the June 10,2009 Miami Herald sends a surprisingly critical message.
Following the cartoon is a specific but far from complete list that I have compiled of President Obama's campaign promises that since his election have gone "up in smoke."

J AivlES L KNiGHT (19091991)





  1. No additional taxes on incomes below $250,000 (since lowered to $200,000 and when health care passes the ceiling will go even lower)
  2. I will not sign a bill if it contains earmarks.” This Sunday Congress passed a 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill that contained 5,000 earmarks worth $3.9 billion.
  3. “Iran cannot be allowed to build a nuclear weapon.” (Iran didn’t receive the memo)
  4. “my administration will be transparent.” Should that include secret Democrat only White House meetings on health care, etc?
  5. Stimulus bill will keep unemployment under 8%. (it’s 10%)
  6. Balance federal budget and reduce deficit. (this year’s deficit up to 1.8 trillion, debt has risen to over $10 trillion)
  7. "Debate spending bills on C-SPAN so public can see who(in Congress) is for them." (apparently secret meetings are not televised)
  8. "There will be a 5 day grace period so everyone can read bills online prior to Congress voting." (hasn’t happened and even Congressmen aren’t reading the bills, including the$787 billion stimulus bill)
  9. Bi-partisan bills. (does this include Health Care?)
  10. “I will not go backward to prosecute the previous eight years.” (Atty Gen Holder is investigating CIA)
  11. “I will bring the troops home from Iraq by March, 2009.” (the troops are still there)
Again, this is just a partial list of his campaign promises to the American voters. President Obama's campaign strategy was to convince the electorate that he would fix Bush's failures. The strategy won the presidency for Obama.
That being the case, one would think that the White House would be hearing from the President’s supporters, especially those who voted for him, to let him know that they are disappointed that the President has not delivered on what he promised.
But instead of objective evaluation, what I see and hear is President Obama’s supporters allowing him to place the blame for his broken promises
ad nauseam on the "previous eight years." Obama's "Army" gives him a pass and says“gosh...he’s only been in office less than a year. Give him time.” Of course these comments are not those of the unemployed, or those who will have to pay unexpected tax increases in the coming year(s), or those who have loved- ones in peril in the military in Iraq.

The actions of this presidency are difficult to watch, especially with the smoke getting in my eyes.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Three Months

Three Months for the President to make a decision whether or not to add 40,000 troops in Afghanistan was about eighty-nine days too long.

You see, President Obama had the "war thing" all figured out during his campaigning for his current job. He was convinced and convinced voters that Iraq was the wrong war...a "war of choice." On the other hand (he said), Afghanistan was "a war of necessity, and one we had to win." And then Senator Obama assured the American people that he would not make the same mistakes with his war policy as the previous administration did for eight years.

If one considers that President Obama had eight years of history in the region to look back on and learn from, combined with his own hand-picked military hierarchy, his Harvard law degree, and 150 days in the Senate, his war policy should have been in place and strategically perfect and ready for implementation the day Gen. McChrystal, the US commander in Afghanistan, asked for the additional troops. Instead, because Obama was not prepared, US soldiers in Afghanistan, NATO, the American people and the world community had to wait Three Months.

Great leaders have contingency plans. A lot of people thought Obama was a great leader and voted for him. It turns out that not only is he not a great leader, he's not even an average leader. At the very least an average leader would have given some advance consideration to, above all other, a war where American soldiers are in peril daily. One would think the President would have had emergency contingency plans for a war for which he had taken ownership. But he didn't.

The President needed Three Months to come to the decision to send in the troops; but I suppose it was to be expected when one considers Obama had only met with McChrystal once since he assumed leadership of forces in Afghanistan on June 2nd, 2009 three months prior to the General's August 30th request to Defense Secretary Gates for troops. This is a crystal clear case of remarkably poor management of a war by the President. And, there are no excuses for anyone connected with the Obama administration to have enabled the President to be so ill prepared.

Three Months.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Insurance Reform--misinformation, misdirection, logic, solutions

The polls tell us that Americans do not favor, by roughly a 50% to 35% margin, the healthcare bills passed in the House and Senate. It's ridiculous that the Miami Herald, the President and the Democrat majority Congress continue to force feed us these flawed bills.
The Herald, sheep-like, heaps blame the drug companies because doing so is a directive from the Democrat talk points. Heaven forbid the drug companies make a 9% profit. Better they should lose money and fire some employees in a cutback. The optimist in me says that the industry making money could be a sign that the economy is coming out of its doldrums. In the real capitalist world isn’t it possible that there are businesses such as prescription drugs that are “recession-proof?” So get over your ideology and stop expecting or even rooting for profitable companies to fail because you happen to be failing and want company in your misery. And, it’s time for the trinity in the first paragraph to stop with their politics that have reached the height of ridicule.
Considering the embarrassment of the Congressional healthcare debates, isn’t it time for the Herald, President and Democrats to remove their heads from up their ideologies and begin to think logically? First, the US is not having a healthcare problem; we have the best doctors and hospital care in the world.
The heart of the matter is that people cannot afford health insurance. Period. If the ideologues directed their energies towards making insurance affordable to all, it's true that the process might cause some politicians to lose their jobs (who cares?) but the result would be that all Americans would have health insurance.
Where to begin? First, government must allow health insurance companies to sell policies across state lines to create real competition, which will lower policy prices, and second, enact tort reform to limit jury awards paid by insurance companies. These two issues are at the top of the food chain in lowering costs in the insurance industry and importantly, neither one is a tax or would increase taxes. Invite competition and enact tort reform and the rest of the impediments to lowering the cost of healthcare insurance would fall in succession. Special interests would be howling in the night. Tough!
It would also be helpful if the media would do some apolitical homework and provide their communities with accurate information about the costs involved in healthcare insurance.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Acceptable Failure?

“The Buck Stops Here” are the famous words on a small plaque that sat on the desk of President Harry Truman. If there is a plaque on President Obama’s desk it probably reads “It’s Not My Fault.” He refuses to take responsibility for his job, which is to solve the enormous problems commonly thrust upon all presidents’ desks. All presidents inherit economic problems, societal issues and wars. Obama was well aware of what he was “inheriting” from Bush. It’s why Obama ran for President and why he won.

I am so sick of hearing him making excuses or blaming others for his lack of progress (healthcare), poor decisions (trying terrorist case in NYC), and potential policy failures (closing Gitmo). This morning Obama spoke about “two wars, a failing economy,...the H1N1 virus and pandemic added to eight other major issues have created an unprecedented convergence of problems....” It seems that every time he is interviewed
he is building a case for an acceptable failure.

Mr. Obama, as President of the United States you need to start operating with the understanding that there are no acceptable failures!


Monday, November 16, 2009

How Can You Tell When A Politician Is Lying?

How can you tell when a lawyer is lying? is the opening line to a quip that denigrates Lawyers. The response is, It's easy, his lips are moving. The same quip applies to politicians.

The words in quotes that follow were in the body of President Obama's 11/16/2009 speech to college students in Shanghai, China.

"Founding Documents...enshrine core principles.... All men are created equal... government should reflect the will of the people and respond to their wishes. Government should be open and information fully accessible."

Am I missing something here? 'Reflect the will of the people.'?..are you kidding me? The latest Gallop poll on Health Care-- 49% against passage while 44% are for passage of a bill. 58% want gradual reform, 38% want comprehensive reform this year. 'Respond to their wishes'? Then, the capper for me was that the House passed a Healthcare bill that wasn't even printed for Representatives to read! Is this 'fully accessible' information? Is this what our President considers being true to the enshrined core principles from our 'founding documents?' The only thing true in the President's comments is that his adherence to the core principles is really laughable.

Doesn't President Obama think anyone outside of Shanghai would be monitoring his speech. His words couldn't have been more disingenuous! I guess he figures the press, our nation's watchdog, or should I say hound dog, won't rat him out and report his deceit, so he can feel secure in saying whatever he pleases in a foreign land.

President Obama's dishonesty was beneath the dignity of his office. Even a lawyer wouldn't stoop so low.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pull the trigger. If Not Now, When?

We are still waiting... impatiently. Thirteen American soldiers were slaughtered at Fort Hood. They were memorialized yesterday by President Obama's moving tribute.
So now that we have buried our fallen soldiers, the next question on the docket is 'how long will we have to wait before the President makes a definitive statement concerning how the American government will eliminate the mounting threat from Muslim extremism?'
I have read that of the world's Muslim population of 1.5 billion, estimates of up to ten percent or 150 million are extremists who believe in jihad. That is roughly equal to fifty percent of the population of the United States! Pew Research Center in 2009 estimated there are 2.5 million Muslims in the US. If only one percent are extremists that would amount to 25,000 Muslims living in the US with bad intentions towards America. Is this threat to be ignored? We have just witnessed in Fort Hood the horror a lone terrorist can affect.
Mr President, it's time to pull the 'trigger'... before an extremist beats you to it again.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

News Flash! Ostriches flourish in America

Against all odds, the ostrich, the flightless bird that is indigenous to the Southern Hemisphere in Australia, New Zealand, and the deserts of Africa, now appears to be thriving by the millions in the Northern Hemisphere, primarily in the United States!

The large birds are known for often "burying their heads in the sand" to avoid predators. The American "ostriches" think they are avoiding danger by "burying their heads in the sand" but, in effect, they are unwittingly placing themselves in grave peril by completely disregarding one of Senator, now President Obama's most significant of broken promises, which is most essential to ostrich well being, e.g., "The American voter (ostriches) will have the same healthcare plan as the members of the US Congress!" Did the President lie to the ostriches? Caveat ostrich.

Animal psychologists explanation for such self-destructive behavior is that the world's largest bird also has one of the world's smallest brains relative to the size of its body.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Clooney versus Limbaugh

Many times, less is more. The White House’s David Axelrod attempted to discredit Rush Limbaugh’s most recent attack on the President’s performance by calling Rush an “entertainer.” Wooo, that Axelrod sure has a razor-sharp tongue.

Note to Mr Axelrod: George Clooney, who zombie-like reiterates party “talking points,” is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh is a savvy political commentator who creates talking points. Since there is no one in the Obama Administration capable of winning a debate with Limbaugh, Axelrod et al in the White House would do best to ignore Limbaugh’s comments. To do otherwise further legitimizes the greatest bloviator of our time.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Where Have You Gone Vince Lombardi?

11/6/2009--As you might have known I took a few weeks away from blogging to finish the editing of my first book, A Hands-On-Manager-Is-An-Oxymoron. Pardon the expression, mission accomplished so happily I am back to the blog! I am working on the blog which follows so scroll down and read-on.

10/11/2009--Note to my readers:

I started the following piece prior to the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to President Obama. As to whether or not he was deserving of the award, I have my opinions. But, as an American who respects the office of the President, I am glad our guy won it rather than some reincarnate of Yasser Arafat. The looney partisans will beat this to death but I think we should just move on to more substantive matters.

With that, please read my latest thoughts:

"What the Hell's going on out there?" For those of you who are sports fans over the age of 30 the words will immediately conjure up a quite famous video of Vince Lombardi. For those of you who are not fans the video is one of the Green Bay Packers' great but hot-tempered football coach standing on the sidelines during the heat of a game incredulously admonishing his team for performing poorly on the field of play. You see, what the team was doing on the field was far from what Coach Lombardi was expecting. He was being unpleasantly surprised and he was expressing his agitation as only he could. Oh, that scowl!

What made me think of the video is my wondering what it will take for Coach Lombardi's emotionally charged question to angrily cross the lips of the majority of American voters. "What the Hell's going on out there?" Indeed.

Our ship of state is not sailing on smooth waters and one would think that the ship's crew should be having more than fleeting thoughts of questioning the captain's aptitude for leadership and navigation. The fact is that the dissent of which I am reading and hearing is coming from those on the extreme political Right. No surprise there. But what is most disturbing is the unsettling sound of silence from the majority of the crew, and if you will allow me to leave the metaphor, the populace that is either hopelessly, blindly devoted to the President or those who are quite simply remarkably ignorant about what it is that is going on in the world around them.

Sure, I'm aware of the polls that describe the approximately thirty percent drop in the President's popularity as well as in a variety of his policies from Afghanistan, to Cap and Trade, to Stimulus, to Universal Health care, etc. As we are all aware, the media has their daily, weekly and monthly polls but when you ask typical voters if they are angry about a specific issue, generally they'll react and give the pollster what they want to hear. The questions are worded in a way that will elicit a particular response from the ignorant, which is the majority. As for the adoring Obama supporters (can you say Sean Penn?), they will regurgitate the daily or weekly Democrat talk points or, in the case of those with the ability to actually think, give as positive an answer as possible because they are probably too embarrassed to admit their disappointment in the President's thus far surprising (to them) performance. But, in a private moment, most of you who voted for President Obama have got to admit you are not getting what you expected. (You are excused for being seduced by Obama because I admit that during last year's campaign his charisma was practically irresistible especially when he blew us all away with his speech on 'race'.)

But lets return to the reality that the overwhelming majority of poll respondents haven't read a newspaper or watched a newscast in forever. If you want to question my remark fine, but first look at newspaper circulation and TV news ratings. They are a fraction of what they were--pick a time frame--10, 15, 20 years ago. My thirty-four year career was in management in the media/advertising/TV station/TV programming industry so I have some expertise in this area and have witnessed the continual demise of the news industry audience.

So, you might ask, what's the point of all this? Well, I thought now might be a good time to unveil a list I have been compiling since the then Senator Obama was campaigning for the Democrat nomination for President. I was going to wait until January 2010 to spill the beans, but in the past few days, as unbelievable as it might seem, the overwhelmingly Liberal media has begun to take the President's nine month record to task, culminating in Saturday Night, Live's remarkably funny but spot-on spoof of the obvious, that the Prez has accomplished practically nothing of value! So, I couldn't contain myself any longer at the risk of waiting too long and rendering my blog untimely.

What follows a list of Obama's campaign promises and policy positions
beginning in 2008; and then, since Obama's inauguration I have been
"keeping score" of his performance on his promises and positions of
which there are THIRTY and growing so rapidly that I have decided to
cull the list down to the "best of" Barack Hussein Obama's first ten
months...the results are not pretty!

"What the Hell's going on out there?" Well, there will never be another Coach Lombardi; but in your honor Coach, here's an objective explanation of what's been going on .

1-Close Gitmo- During his campaign Obama promised to close the prison camp and give the terrorist prisoners due process. His first Executive order was to close Gitmo by January 2010. As of this writing, Obama's promise to close the camp will not be kept because the difficulty in prosecuting cases in civil courts was underestimated by the President. He has as much as admitted that the legal system operates more slowly than he anticipated. Of course the political opposition to his policy, for the most part, believes that terrorists should be tried in a military court. Disputes over this issue were an additional obstacle that slowed down the process. But the most uncomfortable embarrassment to the President was his inability to find prisons in the US or in foreign countries to house terrorist prisoners. It became more than evident when the possibility of retribution by terrorist sympathizers frightened citizens of US cities and foreign countries who passionately demonstrated against accepting terrorists in their nearby prisons. An just to rub some lemon on the wound, Obama obtusely, and perhaps arrogantly, refuses to refer to the inmates as terrorists. He prefers political prisoners. What is up with that? Actually, he is cornered by the Liberal rule book. In this case the rule is that the ACLU has determined that these terrorist monsters, no matter how heinous their crimes, apparently have more rights than those than those they have victimized. Case closed, not Gitmo. Promise broken.

2-No Earmarks-During the campaigning for the nomination and even after his election, as late as Jan 9, 2009, the President promised he wouldn't sign a bill if it contained earmarks, "We are going to ban the process by which individual members insert pet projects without review." Yes, those are the president's words. Well, political reality hit the President. On Feb 17, 2009 Obama SIGNED an earmark laden Stimulus Bill into law that included an estimated 9,000 EARMARKS! Do the math, there are only 535 members in the Congress! Promise broken doesn't come close to describing the president's performance on this campaign promise.

3-Troops home from Iraq by March 2009-As of this writing there are still 140,000 soldiers in Iraq. Once again, President Obama made a promise he couldn't keep. The outlook for a specific date for the troops return is undetermined. The anti-war faction that overwhelmingly supported the President's election are apoplectic! And I would be remiss not to mention the currently ineffective strategy in Afghanistan, which is about to be modified to include (sorry) a Bush-like "surge" of an additional 40,000 troops. Once again, reality has hit the Obama White House. Bottom line, Promise broken.

4-Gay Marriage-On the campaign trail the President indicated he would toe the Liberal line and support same sex marriages. However, after securing the Democrat nomination for President, he walked a more centrist line and said that his belief is that a marriage is between a man and a woman, so as not to offend conservative Democrat and Independent voters in the general election. In a recent vote in Maine, a measure previously passed by the electorate, was repealed! Many in the gay community felt betrayed by the President and were blaming him for his lack of support. And to further compound the betrayal, the gay community is still impatiently waiting for the President to keep another campaign promise to address the issue of gays in the military/"don't ask, don't tell." Promise broken.

5-No increased taxes on incomes under $250,000-Yet on April 1, 2009, the largest increase ever in tobacco taxes took effect despite Obama's promise not to raise taxes of any kind on families earning under $250,000 or individuals under $200,000. This is one tax that disproportionately affects the poor, who are more likely to smoke than the rich. Only 13% of smokers earn over $90,000.
"I can make a firm pledge," Obama said in Dover, N.H., on Sept. 12, 2008. "Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."
He repeatedly vowed "you will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime."And does anyone who is conscious really believe that a health care bill costing a trillion $ annually will be "revenue neutral" and will not require an additional tax on incomes under $250,000?
Promise broken!

6-Transparent Administration-On Nov. 12, 2008 Barack Obama promised his would be the most transparent White House in history disclosing donations, shunning lobbyists, and broadcasting important meetings on C-SPAN. The C-SPAN idea was also for the purpose of letting the citizens see who in the Congress was for or against bills being reviewed. Thus far, this transparency promise has been a joke. Currently, the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi plans to bring to a vote a 1900 page healthcare bill but will not provide the Republican members of the House a copy of the bill to read in advance of the vote! Are you kidding me? And even worse, President Obama has exhibited zero spine regarding this travesty of his proposed policy.

The President-elect also promised that bills would be on-line for five days so that there would be time for members of the Congress and citizens at large to read the bills before the President signed them into law. Can you say "stimulus package?" Not only was the bill not on-line, but the $787 billion bill, the most expensive in American history was passed and signed by the Prez--and practically the entire Congress didn't get a chance to read it !! That's not transparent, that's vacuous ! Can I get a mid-blog "What the Hell's going on out there? Another Broken promise.

7-Bi-partisan bills -The President promised to unite the divided Congress in a way that would produce bills written cooperatively. Nine months later and it hasn't happened, in fact the divide between the parties has worsened to a level possibly never seen in recent political history. As of this writing, it is a fact that the Republican minority leaders of the House and Senate have never been invited to the White House to discuss the HealthCare bill! It's difficult to imagine that a leader could be as divisive as Bush, but in this instance Obama might have achieved that pathetic distinction. Broken promise.

8&9-Balance the Federal Budget/Reduce the Deficit-Another campaign promise, in fact two promises that never had a chance of succeeding. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the non-partisan group that puts an estimated price tag on any bill that is in review prior to being taken to a vote, has estimated the 2009 debt at $1.8 trillion, four times the previous high water mark! The national debt stood at $10.6 trillion the day Obama took office. It was projected to reach $12.7 trillion by the end of the fiscal year on Sept 30, 2009, only nine months into Obama's first year in office. Broken Promises.

And this from the AP(3-20-09)President Barack Obama's budget would generate deficits averaging almost $1 trillion a year over the next decade, according to the latest congressional estimates, significantly worse than predicted by the White House in February 2009. The Congressional Budget Office figures predict Obama's budget will produce $9.3 trillion worth of red ink over 2010-2019. That's $2.3 trillion worse than the White House predicted in its budget.

These unacceptable levels of performance lead me to the conclusion that Hillary and Biden correctly stated in the Democrat primary debates that Barack Obama did not have the experience to be president. They said, "The Presidency is no place for on-the-job-training." Apparently in the President's case, O J T is exactly what he is experiencing. His administration, as stated above, has been a mess with respect to fiscal policy.

First we were told that the Administration "misjudged" the economy. If that was the case I'd suggest the President didn't do his homework and was to coin a phrase, lip-shooting. Perhaps he needs to clean his fiscal house and get a new team of economic advisors because Geithner, Summers, Orszag and Romer failed him. Then the Prez told us that unemployment would top out at 8%. It's now at 9.8% and is expected to soon go above 10%. (note: on 11/6/02 it rose to a 26 year high of 10.2%) Then we were told the "stimulus" bill would create millions of new jobs. Since the President signed the bill over two and one-half million jobs have been lost. And the whining response from the President and his administration, 'We were handed or walked into severe problems from the previous administration.' No kidding, Mr President et al. Why do you think you won the election?

But is it really possible the President and his team didn't know that there were problems? I doubt it. It seems obvious that they were selling the American people a bill of goods as part of the Presidential campaign. Well, Barack, you won so act like the President, stop making excuses and get something positive accomplished. And let me remind you that during the primary and Presidential campaigns it was your mouth, not Bush's, that wrote the "checks" that are now bouncing. The bad news is that the voters are paying the price big time for your poor judgments. The President's fiscal mismanagement definitely deserves another "What the Hell's going on out there?

There are also some serious Obama "best of" gaffs.

"Highly objectionable" was Obama's reaction to the Locherbie Bomber being released by Scotland. Ostensibly he was being given a compassionate release because the murderer who bombed a plane from the sky killing 270 people including 190 Americans has terminal cancer. And the President's reaction was "Highly Objectionable." I found the Presidents reaction "Highly disgraceful!" What the hell's wrong with our President? How could he allow an ally to grant a release to one who perpetrated one of the most heinous acts of terrorism in history against the US? How insensitive can a man be?

"We won't go back to prosecute we will look forward." I guess the President forgot to mention his promise to Att. Gen. Holder who took it upon himself to begin an investigation of Bush's CIA.

"I would got to Copenhagen myself if I weren't so committed to Health Care." I guess Obama couldn't remember what he said because next thing you know the Prez is on his way to Denmark to unsuccessfully pitch for the Olympic Games, damn the Health Care full speed ahead!

This is just a smattering of the list I have been keeping but you get the point. The president has continually been shooting himself in the foot and it's only November 7th! It has been painful to witness. And I haven't even gotten into the foreign policy embarrassments e.g. the redeployment of the proposed missile defense system in Eastern Europe on the seventy year anniversary of the Russian invasion of our ally Poland, or the anger directed at Obama by President Szarcozy for what the French leader believed was President Obama's mishandling of the Iranian nuclear threats, or Obama on separate occasions throwing Israel under the bus to gain the favor of her hostile Palestinian, Arab and Persian neighbors, occasions that turned out to be more embarrassment for the President and the US.

Coach Lombardi is probably rolling over in his grave. "What the hell is going on out there?" Coach, the majority of Americans would like to have the answer to your prescient question.

Albiwan.. 11/7/2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Life From Both Sides

I have been wanting to get something off my chest for quite a while. Thanks to a syndicated newspaper writer's compelling column my sleepy unconscious began to clear cobwebs from thoughts collected there for many moons. As the thoughts began to surface I started to organize them into what I hope you will find a thought provoking essay.
Violence was the topic of the Glen Garvin column. But not the run-of-the-mill 'man shot to death outside popular night club.' Garvin wrote about the violence motivated by political fanaticism and how the "one side" unethically uses the tragedy du jour to smear the "other side." The piece was written as if Garvin was as sick as I am about the incessant finger-pointing and shrill voices of righteous indignation on one political side declaring the other side's nefarious political tactics responsible for inspiring crime. His retrospective on politically driven violence, dating back from the '60's to the present, clearly built a case that Nancy Pelosi's recently implied contention that Conservative ideology is at the root of it all is categorically wrong. In fact, Garvin pointed out that during the past 45-50 years that Conservatives and Liberal lunatics have been wielding the firearms and detonating the bombs. Life from both sides share this dark ignominy, from Jim Jones (Lib) (cyanide laced Kool Aid in Waco)to Timothy Mc Veigh (Con) (Oklahoma City FBI bombing), etc.

While Glenn’s column was focused on the result, the violence, it is my nature (from my 30+ years in management) to solve problems by first examining the
causes, in this case, the who or the what that were unintentionally propelling these insane people to seek violence as a satisfying form of self expression. So, permit me to begin the discussion by casting my ironic vote for the politicians, undeniably the who that unwittingly and/or unintentionally cause this specific violence problem. I'll explain.

To better understand my charge, one only has to listen to some of our political leaders' speeches that promise to 'fight' for their constituents and then implore same to 'get out and fight' for their g-d given rights! And, 'don't ever allow my opponent (the devil incarnate) to take your rights away from you and your children!' And, the coup de gras, 'You must not allow him to continue with his irresponsible social policies that betray your trust and undoubtedly will keep you from attaining your American Dream!' A bystander might witness raging anger on some faces and fire shooting from some of the ears of the faithful. The speech has produced the desired result. The good news is that voters are motivated to action. The very bad news is that the candidate is either unaware or unconcerned with the evil that his words can elicit from the emotionally unstable.

As we know, everyone's elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor. So a few of these fanatic followers who hear these belligerent and personally threatening words will take them literally, act them out, and as history shows, the result can be very ugly when a sociopathic tendency is stirred.

Back to Garvin's look at life from both sides. Might as well face it, America's political parties, strategists and candidates from both sides have, over decades, earned their seamy reputations. In fact, it has been commonplace for many voters to refer to politicians as "the lowest form of life on the planet." I know I do. And I define "lowest" in the pejorative sense, not the directional.

Try to imagine working at a career in public life where, on a daily basis, in order to be successful one must compromise one’s principles that were instilled during childhood by parents, teachers and Judeo/Christian religious leaders. Disregarding one’s principles should be unacceptable in the American culture, especially in national political circles where all have attained higher education. Period. Power and money should not be the all important, because when politicians pursue these choices as their personal holy grail, without fail they join the political majority who attain the ignoble “lowest form of life” distinction.

The harsh reputation sticks because the electorate believes that politicians are elected to lead them to a better life, not to destitution or paths of personal destruction. We would like to believe that the people we elect are well intended public servants and will act in our best interests even if it places their re-election in doubt. Seriously, are you able to name one such selfless man or woman of the people currently serving in the US Congress? Neither can I. The polls bear witness that they are not admired.

Today's politicians are obviously driven to build a career in public office, but not necessarily a career that will benefit you or me. Again, it is their narcissistic need for power and money that consumes them, not your well being or their own attempt to raise political behavior from the gutter. This is not revolutionary thinking to those who are aware, but most voters are simply too busy trying to make the rent payment to become politically informed; and to a ruthless win-at-all-costs politician the uninformed voters have a bull's eyes on their backs. It is the uninformed who are easily exploited materially or manipulated emotionally. To a politician the public trust means nothing when an election is at stake. I still shake my head when I see those who, like teenaged girls for a rock star, are overwhelmed with emotion for their candidate. Unfortunately for the masses, charismatic genius is sometimes dangerously irresistible. History has proven and will continue to prove this to be a political truth.

You might conclude that my cynicism is over the edge. So be it, but I have lived through politically motivated tragedies, the Kennedy and MLK senseless assassinations. Who could have created the kind of negative political energy that drove some maniacs to these ends? Could it have been the politicians in the ilk of Nixon, Gingrich and several other major office holders who were forced to resign? Then there were Clinton's disgrace in the Oval Office, and Bush 43's embarrassing judgments and a persona created by his inability to communicate? These people did not deserve pedestals. Yet many were placed up there even though they all suffered from seriously antisocial human failings. What they all had in common was their choice to have placed personal interests ahead of the well being of the people they were elected to protect. All made poor judgments, bad choices, and caused millions to suffer to varying degrees.

But perhaps the most egregious actor of them all, though, was FDR. I never cease to be puzzled by what I consider the undeserved adulation for FDR. Not wanting to lose his voter support, FDR sided with the polls and, in what could have been the single worst political decision in history, he said no to Churchill's 1938 plea to enter the War in Europe to stop Hitler. Think about it. FDR's broken ethic enabled him to choose his political career ahead of the threat that would eventually result in 40 million dead in WW2. Had he joined Churchill, Hitler possibly would have been stopped at Munich, and the term "death camp" might not exist. A friend's father fought in Europe. When asked what he thought of FDR his reply was "He was an anti-semitic bastard. He knew about the concentration camps, did nothing and worst of all hid it from us. I was in the army in Europe and didn't know until we liberated the camps. He should rot in hell. You see you touched a sore point for me." Still think I'm too cynical, I don't think so.

Did you know that the Etruscans settled Florence, Italy circa 800 a.d. and organized the populous with a representative form of government much like ours? Every adult citizen was required to serve one year in the government but then had to leave office for at least three years before returning for another one year term. The Etruscan leaders believed that all politicians could be corrupted, thus the one year term with no possibility of a political career, a wise plan to operate a clean government. Conversely, in America we encourage young adults to attend universities to study political science and law with the sole intent of a political career replete with its temptations, power and money. Once exposed to it, fledgling politicians become involved and, too weak or inexperienced to resist, sadly they are often corrupted. Regrettably, the result is that our otherwise good system of government is drawn even further into the inefficient, unethical mess we call our Congress and Presidency.

Power and money...we have all seen well intended people destroyed because they made the untoward choices of dirty, unethical politics for power and money over public service. There can be no excusing the behavior that violates the public trust. For this writer the acid test is to ask “would I want my children to grow up to emulate that behavior?”

If one has a difficult time being objective about this truth, I suggest speaking to someone older and wiser. And if your particular circumstance is that you are already quite elderly and have no one “older and wiser” than yourself, try to find someone
younger and wiser to set you straight. :-) Understand that it is a shame to go through life so naïve or oblivious that one does not realize when one is being taken advantage of or has been the catcher of the lie thrown by a politician.

Is it any wonder, therefore, when one of the unstable, fanatically “loyal” flock takes the path to violence, a path to which he was unconsciously “directed” by his leaders irresponsible, perhaps careless words?

The American political system requires that we vote the President and Congress into office. It’s a good system and contrary to what many say or believe, the system is not flawed. It’s the candidates who are flawed because of their malevolent personality traits, low standards of ethics, and wrongheaded career objectives that can drag the system further down toward even worse levels of corruption. Whether or not the violence is a consequence of a politician’s flaws is of no consequence to said politician. It’s only about his career. Oh, how Americans yearn for Etruscan-like term limits!

Finally, I
Have Looked At Life From Both Sides Now and it is clear to me that our leaders on the left and right have, by their unprincipled actions, set the tone that has led the descent to the depths of politically motivated violent behaviors.
We can only hope that our leaders will soon understand it is their responsibility to solve the problem and begin the ascent toward an ethical renaissance in the United States Congress by each member, regardless of party, cleaning up his/her own act.

ps- thanks to Judy Collins for
Both Sides Now..